Relax Before You Release

You’ve heard me talking about doing tongue stretches to help your airway and your swallow, but what if you just can’t get your tongue to do the right things because of a severe tongue tie? Wouldn’t it be best to just get it released immediately? Before you run to your nearest dentist to get that tongue tie dealt with, let’s talk about why you should start with myofunctional therapy instead.

Retrain the brain’s motor pathways

If you get a tongue tie released without first training both the brain and the muscles, it can limit the tongue’s range of motion (which is the whole point of getting it released!). The brain has had a lifetime of swallowing and moving the tongue based on its limited range of motion. Even if your tongue is still restricted based on physiology, you can begin now to go in the right direction.

Makes the release a clear “cut”

When you do myo exercises, you’re prepping the tissues themselves to be ready for the release. The dentist will be better able to distinguish the fascia versus the muscle itself - there is no reason not to make the procedure as straightforward as possible!

Improved recovery

Doing some myo therapy prior to a release means that your tissues will be in better condition to heal more quickly and effectively, and give you a smoother post-release recovery. The state of your tissue also impacts the soreness and adjustment issues you’ll face afterwards - doing the work ahead of time can significantly reduce post-surgery discomfort.

Attachment issues

After a release it’s possible for your tongue tie to grow back, so engaging in myofunctional therapy both before and after a release is crucial to ensure that your new range of motion is maintained.


Infants are the exception here! If you have a newborn, they are the best candidate for a tongue tie release, because they don’t have years of poor tongue movement ingrained in their brains and bodies. If you are nursing they will be doing all of the physical therapy they’ll need to properly incorporate their new tongue movement.

Myofunctional therapy isn’t optional when it comes to tongue tie releases in kids and adults - it is a must! There are so many benefits to training both your brain and your muscles to start moving in the right way, and it will make your tongue tie release journey a lot more successful. Don’t skip this vital step - I’m here to help you in any way I can!

You’ve got this - let’s go make some Myo Magic!


Oh, Poop!


Progress Through Movement