Myofunctional disorder and genetic issue

You can have a myofunctional disorder and a genetic issue. Don’t write off the signs and symptoms of the myofunctional disorder due to the genetic issue. Sometimes people think that their sleep concern or craniofacial issue is due to their genetic syndrome. While genetics do contribute (for sure!) they aren’t solely responsible.

I had an evaluation this week and the parents of my patient were told that all of her issues were solely due to her genetic deletion - of course she’s not going to sleep or eat great! She does have that deletion, but as I was looking in her mouth I could see she had structural issues and a significant tongue tie.

Her whole life she’s been compensating to make this work, rather than someone coming in to provide that myofunctional therapy with feeding and breathing - people wrote it off because of her genetic background.

We can’t ignore genetics, they are going to be an integral part of therapy, and we use that as a lens to develop the best therapeutic approach for our patients. But, just like a patient’s history, you take it into account, but it shouldn’t stop you from providing support.

If you are looking for clarity to a confusing situation like the one I mentioned, a feeding or myofunctional evaluation can offer that. 

You’ve got this - let’s go make some Myo Magic! 


Whole Fruits for Jaw Development


Oh, Poop!